
My name is Christian Dewein (formerly Christian Bäuerlein).
I'm a software developer and engineering manager living in Frankfurt, Germany.
My passion is to work with great people, solving real problems and building high quality software.
About me
At the moment I am working as the Chief Technology Officer at ioki, a Deutsche Bahn company, leading the technical branch of the company and building new mobility solutions for the public transport of tomorrow.
Additionally, I am highly interested in programming tools, concepts, and of course, programming languages in general, currently Elixir. As well as my long time favorites Ruby, JavaScript and Postgres.
I also love to be part of the tech community: Visiting conferences and user groups, hosting and organizing meet-ups and giving talks.
If you want to know what I am doing right now, check out my
You can always say hello at fabrik42@gmail.com or via Twitter, Mastodon, LinkedIn, XING and Keybase.